Thursday, March 25, 2010

27 weeks ~ 3/25/10

Wow time is flying by and I thought it was time for another pic...So here goes.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Now the fun begins while I have some ENERGY!!

This weekend we are going to go register and get the paint samples for the baby's room. We need to buy curtain rods and then the curtains can go up after Pete paints and then follows the baby furniture. We should get that in about 2 weeks. I can't wait to have it all set up. The room will definelty be ready by the baby shower in May.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

6 month Check-Up

Fun stuff going on today. Had to drink this sweet liquid to check if I was diabetic. After an hour wait, I passed. Not diabetic!! Woo Hoo!! We did the usual routine as last month. I gain 2 pounds from last month. The nurse came in to check the baby's heart rate and it was a strong 143 beats. Then she measured my tummy and I am 25 centenimeters. The doctor followed and gave us the update on the 2nd ultrasound from Monday. He is still a BIG boy! He weighed in at 1 lb and 15 oz. So I go for another ultrasound in a month again to check on his growth. The dr assured me again that there was nothing to be alarmed about and we'll just have to take it one month at a time. I'm doing good in all the other areas so nothing to be worried about there.