Tuesday, December 8, 2009

3 months down and 6 more to go!!

So glad to have reached the 3 month mark...the sickness is starting to go away and hopefully soon I will be able to eat normal food again. I will post pics of my belly soon. Just need to start uploading them onto my computer.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Snowing in Cypress

Glad I was off cause this week was really cold and to top things off, it snowed!! Yes it actually snowed in Houston!! Not too many inches but for a while it actually stuck to the ground. I was able to take some pics and enjoy the little snow we did have for the day. It was so nice to see how much snow we actually ended up with.

Pete, Mini & I taking a pic with a 4ft Snowman!


Mini w/ some snow on her

How pretty...lots of snow on the ground

Our porch (taken from the 2nd floor window)

Our backyard fence held some snow for a while.

A miserable week...

Gosh what a week...so glad its over. Dec 1 - Dec 4 stayed home from having bad morning sickness. Gosh I felt bad and exhausted. Was so tired to do anything and weak from all the throwing up! I found it very hard to keep anything down. So glad I had my monthly check up on Wed Dec 1st and got another prescription to help me out. So I stayed home the rest of the week to rest and take it easy. So glad my jobs has unlimited sick days. :)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Oreo's Accident

Oreo oh Oreo...I think he just needed some major attention since lately it has all been about me. Well we were sitting on the tailgate of Pete's truck watching him put up the lights on the house. Oreo was asleep and nothing could have bothered him. Well I turned and he woke up and jumped off the truck. Well he landed on his leg and was howling bloody murder. I got off the truck and picked him up and took him inside cause eventually the neighbors would be coming outside to see what was going on. I was in a panic and that is not good for me but I was so concern for my puppy. I was trying to calm him down the best that I could and when he finally calmed down I saw that his leg was not moving. I started to feel him all over and see if there was any blood. Nothing...thank god. Pete came inside and grabbed him from me & I told him that its his leg, he's not moving it. He started to exam Oreo and that's all we were able to find. Mini was freaking out as well. We got ready to go to the emergency room but we first had to drop off Mini at my parents. I didn't want to leave her alone cause she seem pretty freaked out. Plus I didn't know how long we were going to be at the emergency room.

As we got to the emergency room, they examined him and after pain medicine and x-rays, came to the conclusion that he had broken his bone in is leg in 2 places. Not thinking twice of the cost, I told them to fix him. They went to work on him and put his leg in a splint. He will be that way for 4-6 weeks but maybe more. The doc came back in and told us that they were able to get the big bone to line up and the little bone was moving and shifting but that he would still be able to heal but it may take a little while longer. So after 5 hours at the ER, we got Oreo back and went home. Got home about 1 AM and just watch him try to get somewhat adjusted to the splint on his front arm. But he pretty much just layed there all drugged up. Poor Oreo. Pete layed down with him on the floor that night and watched over him. I would have but I couldn't sleep on the floor with him. Pete took the evening shift while I took the morning and day shift. He pretty much just layed around all day Sat & Sun. The only thing now running through my mind was, what am I going to do with him during the week while we are both at work???? Lucky Pete's mom came to the rescue and called and said that she can watch him for the weeks we need her too and Pete can concentrate on me cause I having been feeling too well either. So after much relief we packed him up with all his belongings to stay at my in-laws for the week and we'll just see how he does. We got to my in-laws and stayed with him for a while so he can get use to where he was going to stay and then after many hugs, we left. I know he'll be taken good care of and at least him mom can watch him while we can't during the week.

Oreo with his splint

Oreo's X-Ray

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Memorable Thanksgiving

Oh what a Thanksgiving it was. Today we announced to the family that a new member of the family was on the way. We had it all planned out. We had a lot of people over for dinner. It was a lot of work for both of us to get the house ready and the food for all these people but it was well worth it. We had a total of 14 people for dinner - my parents, brother, sister, Pete's parents, brother, Gloria, Danny and Uncle Louie, Norma and Lil Louie were all here. We were waiting for everybody to get here and then when we all were ready to eat, we gathered around the food in the kitchen and Pete said Grace. When he was done with grace, he squeezed my hand giving me the signal to jump in with these words "And thank you for the baby growing in my tummy. Amen.". Many were in shock and some didnt know if we were telling them the truth or if they heard what I had just said or what. I was all choked up and when I looked up I had tears rolling down my face and then they knew I was telling the truth and that they heard right. I turned to my mom and hugged her and the my mother-in-law and then to my dad and then to my father-in-law. We finally made all the parents cry and were all tears for joy. Finally after all the hugging and crying, we then started to eat. They all said that this was going to be a very memorable Thanksgiving and that we couldn't have told them any other way. This was the perfect opportunity to let them know their first grandchild was on the way. The talk at the dinner table was all about the baby. I am just so relieved to have finally let them know the exciting news Pete & I have known for 2 1/2 months!

On another note, while I was talking to my aunt (a sister of my dad's) she asked me when I was due and I told her June 21st. She said I think that is my dad's birthday. You need to ask your dad or your mom to be sure. As I got off the phone with her, I called my dad and asked him and he said yes. I asked him why he didn't say anything over dinner and he said he didnt want to bring me down. I was not close to my grandfather since he lived in Mexico but I knew he loved me and always asked about me. I was his first grandchild and loved the fact that I was a girl and was always running towards him when I did see him. Which was not that often. He passed away back in 97 and I remember I wasn't able to attend the funeral but I still remember that day. I did noticed that my dad was really moved when we said we were pregnant but now I know why he was more emotional. Our baby may be born on my grandfather's birthday. I was really touched by that.

6 weeks - 10/26/09

7 weeks - 11/4/09

11 weeks - 12/2/09

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Our 11th Anniversary

Where did the time go? 11 years went by quick. It was a great annivesary. My hunny bunny sent me a dozen beautiful white roses. We went to Landry's Seafood for dinner and enjoyed our annivesary. Looking forward to many more years happy together!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Party ~ 10/30/09

Our 1st Halloween party wsa a great success. It was a lot of work but well worth it. Everybody had a great time and loved all the decorations. The haunted porch was a hit. We were actually able to pull it off!! HA HA!! Pete did most of the constructing but it was worth it for the day of the party. We had a lot of people show up in costume and everybody had a great time. For being our first halloween party, I feel we did a good job. Just not sure if we wanna do this again next year. A lot to recover from and who knows what next year will bring ;) Pics to follow....need to create a slideshow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Pumpkins

On Sunday we went shopping for pumpkins and Pete start carving them. These are the creations we came up with.

I drew it and Pete carved it.

My Mickey Pumpkin.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lots of ideas; Not enough time!

Gosh, lots of stuff going through my mind but not enough time to make it all happen. But things are moving and shaking and can't wait to get this going. Hopefully soon I can launch this and share it with the world! More to come...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It's been a while...

Yep it has been a while since I lasted posted some thing on my blog. Sorry! It's been crazy busy at home & at work. Almost forgot to check on my blog until I got an email from a friend telling me to view her new entry. Anyway well here I am and I am at a lost for words. Let me think....hmmmm ok well the puppies will be 2 months this weekend. I really need to post some pics. I have a few that are too cute not to share. The plus side to that story is that one of the puppies is coming home to live with us well actually my dad but I will be over there often to visit Prince. He was the smallest but he is catching up. Last week he went to the vet and was 9 1/2 lbs. The older brother was 13 1/2 lbs. Prince is too cute and will continue to grow into a big german shepherd. I can't wait and I know my dad & sister can't wait to get him home.

On another note, I am working on starting up a business. Yes another business but this time its not with a direct sales company. A friend of mine just started up her business and I'm really proud of her! She is very creative & is a stay at home mom with 2 beautiful little girls on top of that! Yes, Essie I'm talking about you. Check out her site www.belladollsboutique.com. We did an open house last month and we got to talking and I believe she inspired me to look into my creative side and see what I can do and something I would love to work on. Well I think I found it but I'm working on details as we speak. I have started something I know I will enjoy doing and somthing I can do from home and on my spare time. I will have to limit myself on my direct sales businesses but not all will be forgotten. I will have more news in the coming months. Just keep a look out for that special annoucement. I can't wait to share my news with everybody and make this a success.

Well I think that's all that I have to say at this time but I will make it a point to come back more often. Don't want my blog to go to waste. :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

3 Males & 1 Female

Yesterday evening was an evening I will not forget. While we were at my in-laws house visiting, their German Shepherd Pia gave birth to 4 healthy puppies. We knew she would be due sometime soon but we didn't think it would have been yesterday while we were there. 3 males & 1 female. She had another one about 3 hours later that did not survive. But now they are the cutest things you have ever seen. They are so little and very adorable. They were crying for milk and were too cute for words. Can't wait to see them again soon. I will be posting pics up very soon. I am a very happy aunt. LOL!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Mia!! ~ 6/27/09

Our beautiful god-daughter turned 3 years old on Saturday. She had a Tinkerbell swimming party. Her parents threw her a party which included a HUGE water slide, mini pool, bubble machine & snow cones! All the kids had a great time. Nicole made a delicious cake that I forgot to take a pic of it. Great party Nicole & Chris!

Mia on her new toddler bike given to her by Pete & I.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My beautiful white roses

We planted roses back in March and boy are they blooming. I LOVE white roses and I told Pete if he planted them in front, he didn't have to buy me anymore roses again. Well he did and they are blooming like crazy...just have to remember to water them or they will perish... :) Thanks babe for your landscaping skills!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tricia's Graduation ~ Westside High School '09

Congratulations Tricia!! We are so proud of you! Today we attended Tricia's graduation from Westside High School at the Reliant Arena. The family was scattered throughout the arena to see Tricia walk across the stage. Afterwards we went to Spaghetti Warehouse for a yummy dinner and cake. She was very happy to see everybody there to congratulate her and wish her the best as she goes off to University of Houston in the fall and then to Sam Houston. She plans of being the next "Dr. G" but with an "H" for Hernandez! We wish you all the success to fulfill your dreams Tricia!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

We have a PATIO!! ~ Phase 1

Finally we are done with phase 1 of the patio. Pete & I were so glad we finally had a rain-free, delay-free, sick-free Saturday to get phase 1 of the patio complete. We were able to pour the concrete on such a pretty day. Had lot of help and I want to thank all the hard working men who came over early this morning to help...Dad S., Angelo, Grandpa S., Marc, Manny, Uncle Ray, Albert, and last but not least my hubby Pete. They worked the whole morning and were ready for the arrival of the concrete truck at 7:30 am. Truck was out of there by 8:30. There was so much work to be done and they all had their part. We couldn't have asked for a better team of men to help out. Thank you all! We were able to walk on it Sunday morning and it felt good!! No more sand and that part of the pario is complete. Can't wait for our first party!! Phase 2 & 3 to follow in the future. :)

Manny, Uncle Ray, Marc, Pete, Grandpa S, Dad S, Angelo, & Albert

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Maximus ~ 5/4/09 ~ 1 year later

I can't believe it's been a year since our Max left us for doggie heaven. I went to visit him a few weeks ago and it was hard. Even though he didn't make the move w/ us he has a special place at home. He will not be forgotten anytime soon. I miss you Maximus!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mom's 50th B-day Party

On Saturday we had a party for my mom for the BIG 50. She had a great time and had a lot of family & friends over. Funny thing, we had her party on my dad's b-day. I really don't think he minded cause everyone around knew he was having a great time too. My mom is a shy person and she had told us not to have a party but we couldn't refuse. Plus my dad had some influence on changing her mind. But all in all it went well and she loved her decorations, food, cake and especially all her gifts. She was very happy to have everybody come over and celebrate her 50th birthday with her.

Mom w/ her cake.

Monica, Dad, Mom & Pete

Dad, Mom, Grandma, Jesus, Cristina, Monica & Pete

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Still no patio...

Starting to think we were not meant to have a patio... :( Last weekend we were all set and the darn concrete company cancelled on us. 2 weekends of rain & 1 weekend of Pete being sick with the flu & finally when we have everything in our favor we get cancelled on. We are starting to have grass grow from under the sand and there is sand all over my kitchen from the Mini & Oreo coming in & out the back door. We can't do it this weekend cause we are throwing my mom a 50th birthday party and the next weekend is Memorial weekend so we are left with doing it early June. Funny how things work out....We started in March and its now mid-May! Hopefully one day we can have our patio & be able to enjoy it!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mini Vacation to Dallas ~ Mon 4/27 - Wed 4/29

Didn't do much on my b-day Sunday cause we were trying to recover from the night before. The last people left about 4 AM. So Sunday we just hung out at home. We left for Dallas on Monday, April 27. We did hit a little bit of rain on the way out but nothing like what came down when we were in Dallas. West Houston got poured on bad!! Glad we missed the storm. We went to eat at Benihanas for my belated b-day dinner that night...yummy in my tummy!! Tuesday morning we went to the Museum of Art to see the King Tut exhibit. I love egyptian history!! Spent most of the day at the museum. Ordered dinner at the hotel that night and Wednesday AM we headed back. It was nice to get away and have a mini vacation. Didn't splurge too much this time but it was enough and we had a great time. Anytime you can get away from the daily grind is always nice.

This is what we had to drive through to get out of town.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Monica's 31st B-day Party ~ Sat 4/25/09

Well the day started off nice at first. The plan was to pour our concrete the morning of the party but it rained so hard on Friday night that we had to cancel again!! It feels like we are never going to be able to pour our patio!! One day...I'm sure of it. LOL!!

Anyway, Pete made my party a success! He was running around most of the morning and started cooking before everybody got here. The food was yummy & the cupcakes were all gone! The house was full of people. I got a lot of gifts & gift cards from family & friends. Pete surprised me with a new Coach purse & coin purse. I really had a great time & even though it sprinkled a little bit, we all had a great time. Thanks to everybody for showing up!! Posting up a few pics here but more are on our photo album page. I'm still waiting on my brothers pics...will post those up when I get them.

My new purse!!

Having a great time

Monday, April 20, 2009

Nasty Weekend

Talk about luck...Saturday we were suppose to pour our concrete for our patio and had to cancel cause the weather was really bad...non-stop rain all morning. It was just nasty out there. Concrete has been scheduled till next weekend...the day of my party!! Pete says we won't be able to walk on it but at least it will be done before we go on vacation. On another note, I had 2 HG shows booked that day and had to reschedule one of them for another day. My show in the evening went really well. My first recruit in my downline had her cook-off and had a pretty good show considering the weather had scared a lot of people from coming out. Oh well, can't stop mother-nature!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad & Mom Sevilla!!

Saturday night after the guys were playing in the backyard; Angelo, Gloria, Pete & myself took Dad & Mom out to dinner for their birthdays. Dad's b-day is Saturday and mom's b-day is Sunday. We took them to Taste of Texas where we had a delicious dinner! Look at the smiles on their faces when they received their birthday dessert with sparklers!

Patio - 2nd Step

Pete, Angelo & his grandpa finished forming the patio. We are almost set to pour concrete next weekend. Can't wait for this project to be complete. Just in time for my b-day party. :)

Discussing the next step.

Forming almost complete.

Pete drilling the boards into the house.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy 26th B-day J!!

Want to wish my little brother a very Happy Birthday!! He turned 26...wow where did the time go!! We had a great time at Club 26ten Saturday night and here are a few pics of last night!

Monica & J

Monica, J & Erica

Tricia's 18th B-day Party!

Saturday was a busy day. Tricia had her 18th birthday party. Everything went really well and she looked so happy to see everybody having a great time!

Tricia with her wishing well.

Tricia with her beautiful cake.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Our soon to be Patio

We're in the works for our patio. Pete is doing a majority of the work himself...I love being married to a handy man & one who actually knows what he is doing!! The bad thing is he had me out there helping him pull the grass up. He said if I wanted it by my b-day, I had to be out there too!!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Mini is 6 years old!

My Mini turned 6 years old today. She didn't get a new toy like Oreo did. She is still attached to her favorite black & white shoe that doesn't even squeak any more. Of all the other toys she has gotten over the years, she favors this shoe the most. She will even cry for it. This was her very first toy and still loves it. So no new toy cause Oreo will take it. But she did get lots of playing time with me and got 2 extra treats that day. Plus, Pete had a small poker party in her honor. LOL!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Oreo is 2 years old!

Oreo turns 2 today! We are shocked that he made it that long without getting a new home! It's been a rough 2 years but I'm sooo glad we decided to keep him. He does keep me on my toes but wow he is so different from Mini. He's our little dare-devil. Here is Oreo with his new toy.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Something new

Hello to all our family & friends!! I love to keep memories of everything and what better way but to blog about it...scary thought huh! LOL! My main reason behind all this is to keep family and friends we don't talk to on an everyday basis up to date on what is going on. So next time you call or we see each other, you'll know what we have been up to. I'll try my best to keep this updated as much as possible and give you a sneak peak into our lives.