Thursday, February 25, 2010

We saw him kick tonight!!

I have been feeling the baby move and kick a lot but tonight we finally got to see the movements. I was sitting on the couch watching TV and then I looked down and saw his movements. I called Pete to come over and see it and he was able to catch it too. It was really a treat to see him kick. I am really enjoying this and really am going to miss it later. But for now, I am enjoying all the time I have him inside of me and everything I have to look forward too.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

22 weeks

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

5 Month Check-Up

We went to the doctor today for my 5 month prenatal check up. Had the usual routine: urine sample, blood pressure and weight check. I did gain 5 pounds. Its about time too cause the last few months I was losing weight. Then we went to the exam room and our nurse came in to listen to the baby's heart rate and it was beating at a strong 147 beats. Then she measured my tummy and I am 21 centenimeters. The doctor followed and gave us the update on the ultrasound from Monday. He congratulated us on having a BOY and said the baby looked good and the fluid is great so we are good. The onle thing that did concern him was that the baby was in the 98 percentile. Normally from what everything I have been reading the baby should be at 10 ounces. Well our boy is at 14 ounces. With this being said I am scheduled to have another ultrasound in a month to measure his growth. I really hope he will not be a BIG boy!! But we will see in a month. The dr said there was nothing to be alarmed about and we'll just have to take it one month at a time.

Monday, February 1, 2010

It's a BOY!!!

Today is the day!!! I'm 20 weeks (5 months) and we had our appt for our ultrasound. The tech took all the measurments and gave us the exciting results. We could instantly tell it was a BOY!! LOL! He was really moving so we were able to tell without any problems. I guess the brownie I ate before my appt actually helped wake him up. LOL!! I had been anxious all day on getting the results. When she asked us when we walked in if we wanted to know the sex of the baby, I was like YES!!! She smiled. I was also trying to relax but was excited to finally see our little bundle of joy on the screen again. Last time I saw him was in December. Its been a while and I couldn't wait to see him. It was awesome to see how much he has grown and you can see more of him now. The tech was really nice and explained what she was doing and then once she took all the pics she needed she went back and got to see our lil guy! We saw all his main parts, his little feet and hands and most of the time he has his hand near his mouth. He even gave us the "Rock On" symbol. We saw his nose and it looks like Pete's nose. We saw his lips and they look full like mine. I had to ask the tech if we can tell if he had dimples and she smiled and said not this time. :) Maybe when we do the 3D/4D ultrasound in April. But all in all everything from what we can tell was all in place. When we were finished we walked out and Pete's parents were there waiting for the results. We asked the tech if they can see the baby and she said sure. So we went back into the room and they were able to see for themselves that they were having a grandson. They were really excited to have seen their grandson on the screen and he was putting on a show for them. I even saw tears of happiness!! When we were done, we were walking out and my parents come scrolling in and then we asked the tech again and she said sure...I don't have any other appts. So they went back and saw a show and were able to see their grandson on the screen. They were happy and I know my mom was holding back the tears. They were both happy to see the little guy on the screen. I was so glad both parents were able to share this special moment with us. Their first grandchild for the both of them. I am also grateful that we had a tech who was willing to let them go back there with us 3 times and give them both a mini show. Thank you Zoe!!

After that we went to dinner at SaltGrass and looked at all the pics again and were talking about our baby boy! We also starting calling and texting everybody cause they were just as anxious to know as we were. Our cell phones were non stop that by the time we got home we were both on low batteries. LOL!! It was a day I would not forget!!
