Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Party ~ 10/30/09

Our 1st Halloween party wsa a great success. It was a lot of work but well worth it. Everybody had a great time and loved all the decorations. The haunted porch was a hit. We were actually able to pull it off!! HA HA!! Pete did most of the constructing but it was worth it for the day of the party. We had a lot of people show up in costume and everybody had a great time. For being our first halloween party, I feel we did a good job. Just not sure if we wanna do this again next year. A lot to recover from and who knows what next year will bring ;) Pics to follow....need to create a slideshow.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Halloween Pumpkins

On Sunday we went shopping for pumpkins and Pete start carving them. These are the creations we came up with.

I drew it and Pete carved it.

My Mickey Pumpkin.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Lots of ideas; Not enough time!

Gosh, lots of stuff going through my mind but not enough time to make it all happen. But things are moving and shaking and can't wait to get this going. Hopefully soon I can launch this and share it with the world! More to come...